Will Coupon codes really save me Money?

Will Coupon codes really save me Money?

The popularity of online coupon codes has really begun to catch on, and every day, more and more people are realizing that they can save quite a bit on the things they need when they take advantage of these discounts. With a little planning, you can too!
Will Coupon codes really save me Money?
It helps to have some patience, especially if you are just starting out. Sometimes, you will not be able to find a coupon code for the online store where you want to shop.

Though there are usually lots of valid coupon codes circulating around the Web, every store will not always have one listed. If that is the case, you can choose to wait and make your purchase when a code becomes available, or perhaps choose a different store that does have a code that will allow you to save some money.

Coupon codes

Another more indirect way that online coupon codes can save you money is the savings you will realize at the gas pump and on your car maintenance. Gasoline prices are high and there seems to be no relief in sight any time soon. When you shop online, you don’t have to drive to the store, using up expensive gasoline and putting more miles on your car. On average, depending on the kind of car you drive, it costs anywhere from 35 to 40 cents for each mile you drive – not including the gas! So, it’s easy to see how shopping online can help you save a nice chunk of change in a year’s time.

We spoke of saving time in the paragraphs above, but the subject is well worth mentioning again. Few people put a price on their time, but you should. Your time is very valuable! Every minute of time that you save by shopping online instead of having to get the car out and drive to the store is a minute that you can put toward making your life more productive. Next time you go to the mall, do a little experiment. Keep track of how much time it takes you to fight the traffic in order to drive there, find the items you are looking for, pay for them, and drive home again. You will be shocked! Now, see how that time can add up over the course of a year? Remember – time is money!

Some people have tried online shopping, and are quite vocal about the cost of shipping. Obviously, they did not pursue the fun of using coupon codes, nor did they even try online shopping more than a time or two. If they had, they would have seen that not only do online coupon codes for free shipping pop up for most retail stores on the web with regularity, but most stores will offer free shipping even without a coupon code if you spend a set amount, usually $30 or so. So, this argument is a moot point. Online shopping with coupon codes can and does save savvy shoppers quite a bit of money!

One thing you need to be aware of is that if you have an actual brick and mortar store in your area that also has an online presence, you will pay sales tax on your purchases from the web. This adds a small amount to your total invoice amount.

For example, if you have a Best Buy in your city, and you order an iPod from BestBuy.com, you’ll be charged sales tax (Get Free Shipping). Or, if you purchase a pair of jeans from Old Navy.com, and there is no Old Navy store in your city, you will not have to pay sales tax.
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